Code of conduct in Pre Clinicals & Clinicals :

The students must wear clean aprons or attire as per the guidelines of the department.

Instruments borrowed from the department should be handled carefully and returned on time.

Timing for the preclinicals and clinicals should be strictly followed.

Students should be seated in their designated area and avoid using electronic gadgets strictly.

Utilization of consumables should be done with discretion, and wastage should be avoided.

Decorum should be maintained at all times.

Case file entry should be made on the same day, and staff incharge signatures to be taken. The case paper should be returned to reception on the same day. Students must be compassionate, gracious, well-mannered, and respectful towards the patients.

The fundamental duty of the student in the clinic is to provide competent and timely quality treatment to the patients.

No patient shall be discriminated based on gender, age, religion, race, disability, or any existing medical condition.

The students shall interact with the patients in the clinical area, under the supervision and guidance of faculty.

Patients' records should be maintained safely, and the confidentiality of the patient must be of utmost importance. The patient records must be stored in the central record department and available at all times.

The students should communicate with the patients in the language that is understood by the patient clearly.

Proper and complete medical history has to be recorded.

The proposed treatment, possible benefits, risks, and complications of the treatment should be explained to the patient in his/her language, and an informed written consent should be obtained prior to the treatment.

The other treatment options available should be explained clearly.

The treatment charges (if applicable) should be explained clearly before starting the treatment procedure.

Standard operating procedures should be followed by the student. Strict adherence to cross-infection protocols and sterilization and infection control procedures during clinical postings is to be followed.

Students should respect and acknowledge the importance of patients in their learning and shaping their clinical skills.