The college has implemented certain dental attributes to the students and adopted certain measure for the attainment and evaluation.

BDS dental attributes-

1. A thorough knowledge of normal structures and function is crucial for understanding if the disease with medical and dental management, prevention and treatment.

2. Sufficient clinical experience required for general dental practice.

3. Prevent and effectively manage complications that may arise during various surgical and other procedures

4. Alleviate pain and anxiety in dental patients during their treatment.

5. Promote oral well-being and contribute to the prevention of oral diseases whenever feasible.

6. Perform specific investigative procedures and possess the skill to analyze laboratory results.

7. Provide comprehensive oral health care for patients across all age groups.

8. The scientific progress of any field relies heavily on ongoing research endeavors

9. Maintain a high standard of professional ethics and apply these in every aspects of professional life

10. Graduates should possess the capability and competence to identify and diagnose dental and oral diseases, administer dental treatments, and provide guidance on prevention.

11. Assist in and actively engage in the execution of the national oral health policy.

12. Function as a valuable member of the healthcare team, contributing to medical and oral health, especially in rural areas.

13. Embrace self-directed learning for the continual advancement of dental sciences.

14. Willingness to engage in diverse community programs for the periodic enhancement of knowledge and professional skills.